This piece has an early 1929 copper style eagle inlet into the grip. It is not possible to tell who this dagger was for; however, the Ulles fur Deutschland is in the traditional Eickhorn styled panel and the reverse of the blade is for my commrades in memory of March, 1934. It is given by the Standarten Fuhrer. The unfortunate part is that the blade had seen some severe moisture damage and while the piece is extraordinarily rare and does have beautiful panels, there is, as one can see, severe damage to the finish. It is interesting to note that the scabbard is in exceptionally nice condition with nice annodizing and nice nickel fittings, so the moisture must have been in the scabbard at one time until it did the damage that you see in the pictures. This would easily be a $10,000 dagger or more if it wasn’t for the damage; however, it is still a rare piece.