The tunic is in exceptionally nice condition. Had original tailor label. It retain tailor naming label on inner pocket dated 1944 to General R. Doc. A. Grun. The tunic is in exceptionally nice condition with only a few moth spots. It is a walking out dress tunic. The cuffs are piped in dark purple, which designates Judicial. The collar tab are cello. They are machine sewn and in excellent condition. The shoulder boards are cello and have sword designating judicial. The buttons are screw back for the shoulder boards. The metal bar, iron cross and wound badge were post war applied. The hat on the tunic is your standard general style hat. The interior having a nice silk lining which fits tightly to interior of cap. The sweatband is in excellent condition and is marked ELEGANT, which is set into manufacturer logo. The hat show virtually no wear. The piping on top which is Gold bullion butts beautifully. The lower two piping which are purple witch match tunic also butt nicely. It has nice metal insignia, nice saddle shape. A extremely rare combo. All is in fine doe skin.